Friday, December 15, 2006

Desire and Austerity

Desire is not wrong. But then why all religions are against it? Is not desire the basis of life? Desire carries people away. It is not desire that is wrong but its narrowness and limitedness. When your desire increases and expands, you give up your limited entity to attain the unlimited. It is this desire for the infinite transforms into love and devotion. You love your self and you long to be happy, then what makes you suffer? You loving your self stupidly makes you suffer, your indulgence makes you suffer, love your self wisely. Then why austerity is suggested? Austerity is not against desire, both austerity and desire have same purpose: to make you happy. Nobody is imposing austerity on you; it is your own choice.

Going through the same experience again and again and again is indulgence; austerity is not going through the same experience again. Austerity helps you to check your indulgence, and make way for better and new desires to grow in knowledge and experience. We continuously deceive ourselves by imagining small things like food, sex, power and fame will give happiness. Only something infinitely vast and deep such as your real self can make you truly and permanently happy.

So live your life with awareness of your deepest self always. To put it simple and straight, all that you seek is to express in action what you are. For this purpose you have your toolkit :-) your body and your mind, see how they can help you in fulfilling your purpose.

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