Sunday, February 24, 2008


You fool! what is not here, is nowhere!
Pain would last until you merge with the source!
You are held 'together' and 'seperate' only by ur desires!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

im stuck, i want freedom

Dam it! I am stuck , with this materialistic stuff... what can i do?
its all to help u to the right path

how long i will mull in all this shit?
till you exhaust ur life force which seem to be limited only by ur limited conception of your mind... simply start with small actions that dont leave even slightest stain on your mind that will connect you to inexhaustible life force

how is that?
any action performed with limited desires(material, emotional, spiritual etc) will be only backed by exhaustible lifeforce, any action performed without any desire will be backed by inexhaustible lifeforce

yaa, I need to meditate and internalize.... to do actions with out desire ...
man desires to create footprints... later he desires to delete his footprints... only to create again!
