Sunday, March 12, 2006

Listening to Silence?

Silence is not just silence of sound! It is silence of your mind that we are talking about, so its more inner than the outer. Outer noise is only a reflection of inner noise, so make the inner silent first.
Said a traveler to one of the disciples,"I have traveled a great distance to listen to the Master,but I find his words quite ordinary."
"Don't listen to his words.Listen to his message."
"How does one do that?"
"Take hold of a sentence that he says.Shake it well till all the words drop off.What is left will set your heart on fire."

"Every word, every image used for God
is a distortion more than a description."
"Then how does one speak of God?"
"Through Silence."
"Why, then, do you speak in words?"
At that the Master laughed uproariously.
He said, "When I speak,
you mustn't listen to the words, my dear.
Listen to the Silence."
"Are there ways for gauging one's spiritual strength?"
"Give us one."
"Find out how often you lose your silence
and become disturbed in the course of a single day."

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