Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Is man truly unlimited?

On the lowest level anybody can eat and sleep. On the highest level anybody can eat and sleep  superficially both look same but how they eat and sleep matters a lot. If you can eat and sleep with totality you do it unified and fulfilled, then there is bliss. If you eat and sleep with a thousand splits or thoughts in your mind then what is the use... You don’t do justice to even that!
If somebody can perform the smallest of the work in a highest possible way, he truly can also perform biggest of the work in highest possible way. There by nothing binds him and so he becomes unlimited. Law of nature is simple, more the intensity, less the time. Complete intensity, no time!
Here intensity need not mean force; intensity would mean involvement and complete conscious attention. We can see more involvement when one does things that one loves to do, though involvement can be high by doing anything and everything. If one does anything with total involvement and intensity he goes beyond time and becomes unlimited. That how, complete action can result in enlightenment.

People with great energy and potential do many things at a time but collapse because of the split or thoughts and get entangled. Masters with unified consciousness remain unlimited and become multidimensional.

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