Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Paradox to the loop of infinite...

After persisting, allowing, embracing and fighting for a very long long time with patterns, rhythms, oscillations.... dualities,opposites, and of-course the opposites of opposites, again and again, !


sad to know that I have again gone away to look at other new patterns! but remembered not to forget to look at all possibilities, or else, incompleteness may be projected upon the completeness and patterns that never existed invoked with the help of biased and  incomplete perceptions, only to keep the ever existing harmony at the bay and never existing opposites persisting. The paradox of paradox remains not just a paradox, but paradox of paradox.

The programmer's version 1.0:

    if(paradox of patterns == TRUE)

    if(ever existing harmony == TRUE)

Do I still see a pattern?... not when I'm out of the infinite loop of paradox.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Does subject and object continue to coexist?

Entire existence signifies objectivity, to whom? Now here is the subject. Apparently, though it seems that objective presence is always dominating subjective presence, it is only the subjective presence that dominates the objective existence.  And pure subjective presence is complete objective absence!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Creation & Destruction

What is creation?

Can you create something, without destroying anything? If you say yes, be aware, first thing you destroy is the space! Ok leave space for now. If you are going to use some resources for creation, you sure are going to destroy that, though you can claim that you are giving it a new shape, position or attribute. So we can never create anything without destroying.

What is destruction?

Can you destroy something, without creating anything? If you say yes, be aware, first thing you create is space! Ok leave space for now. If you are going to use some resources for destruction, you sure are going to create that, though you can claim that you are giving it a new shape, position or attribute. So we can never destroy anything without creating.


The above paradox is born with our very definition of creation and destruction. Something new, favourable, useful, benefitable and which adds to what we are, we call it creation. Something that is not favourable, not useful, not benefitable and which subtracts from what we are, we call it destruction.

The insights are:

The very definition of creation or destruction is relative.

Creation to some; is destruction to others

Destruction to some; is creation to others.

Our own idea of what we are, defines it.

We can call it creative destruction or destructive creation, but both will mean same.

From the point of infinity and absolute, what would creation or destruction mean?