Monday, August 21, 2006

Reality Vs Concepts

Most of us live our lives in mental concepts. Our good and bad values are more of a mental construct fed or programmed by our culture or society. These mental concepts become a great obstacle to direct experience of truth. Every concept restricts the flow of consciousness. Our mind gets attached and identified with many such concepts and eventually is in chaos!

Concept is static it’s got a label. For instance a bird or a tree once conceptualized and labeled in our minds it stops flowing in our perception, in other words it dies to our perception and gets disconnected from our being. It becomes static…it becomes a thought and not feel anymore. We somehow don’t perceive or feel its flow or its ever changing property. Other good example would be the river, once we give it a name or label and put it in a box it loses its flow. In our minds we just have it as a static dead object!.. Flow is moment to moment, it has to be experienced beyond our conceptions of our mind, and at that point truth is perceived.

Our concepts and labels filter out the truth or direct seeing. Our perception is devoid of truth, when perceived through mind it is colored and limited. Our own identification and clinging limits our perception. Once we get to see beyond our mental constructs, belief systems, concepts, clinging, attachments etc in other words once we get to see beyond our mind we are subject to direct seeing, or direct experiencing of truth. You become the truth. Reality is one and concepts are many!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Blissful morning flower

All the scriptures, sayings and songs of the enlightened masters are nothing but expressions of their experience of truth. They have no purpose other than this. Ignorance and craving makes us think that scriptures are for changing the world, or for giving directions to common people. Our mind and intellect want some reasoning of purpose to support our ego.
The world is already perfect and its going in the right direction. Our lack of trust on the existence makes us assume that things are wrong in this world and this usually follow with blaming and other negative emotions. This wrong understanding leads us to suffering, because: "if the world is not right I’m not right" "if I'm not right the world is not right" is just a vicious circle! The questions like what’s my purpose etc have no purpose. Just sing your song and dance your dance. The master's expression of truth is like blissful blooming morning lotus. No purpose, no expectations, just pure expression. Simply responding to your feel and allowing the energies to flow every moment gives the experience of truth. Can anything else be more true than this?

Friday, August 18, 2006

Love... a Prejudiced idea?

Can you really fall in love with other?... You can only fall in love with your own idea of the other! You can fall in love with your own judgement of the other! You can fall in love with your projected mental image of the other... all these are preconcieved notions and far from reality! Real love happens beyond mind and its unlimited and unconditional. Real love happens with complete unlimited trust on the existance... so duality ceases with love, in other words, nonduality is absolute love.