Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Who are eligible to get liberated?

Your have to be bound to get liberated. In other words "You are bound to be liberated!"
Liberation and bondage are in the realm of the mind only, truth is "There is no bondage and there is no liberation" because true freedom is beyond both!

How can doing something lead to liberation?

Any doing if based on desire or mind it fails to get you liberated. Non doing and allowing the change to happen will transcend desire, there by truth is attained. How can only a particular action will make you know the truth, any action performed intensively will lead to truth. That’s the way to transcend mind. Intensified actions finish off the stagnant tendencies one by one and finally leading to emptiness or truth. Otherwise mind keeps shifting to something new continuously without finishing off with a particular experience.

Its like accumulating stones without end, when the limit is reached we only replace an existing stone with some new stone, there by taking full load and mind is never free from tendencies and always lack energy. These tendencies act as leeches that keep sucking the limited energy, and also block unlimited energy to flow in for the expansion of consciousness.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Who is suffering? Who ever has built a thorny fence around himself will suffer. The fence hurts him and also others! Remove the thorns from the fence first! But you become more sensible to find that the fence itself hurts. Remove the fence then. But now your entity's dimension expands and you redefine yourself! The meaning of "I" changes, and suffering?.... no trace of it!!!